Juveniles Roleplay Wiki
Main article: Thread:2353

All characters have committed a crime (or two). They're all delinquents who have been stuck in Advivo's detention center/prison as consequence for their crimes. Advivo's Guards will incarcerate anyone who they've caught defying the rules or suspected to defy the rules. Why? Well, population control, obviously.

Below, you will find a list of crimes (some petty, some not) that can be committed aboard Advivo. Choose one (or more) for your character. The list will be often updated. 


Crime Description
Arson The act of deliberately setting fire to property 
Assault A violent physical or verbal attack on another
Attempted Murder The intention of killing someone but the victim is not killed for some reason
Blackmail Unjustified threats to make a gain or cause loss to another unless a demand is met
Consumption of Alcohol by the underaged The legal drinking age aboard Advivo is 21
Defied Authority  Defying those in authority such as the Advivo leaders, guards, etc.
Defied Curfew Found outside of your personal quarters past curfew
Disorderly Conduct Unruly behaviour in public. This includes public disturbance, public smoking, public intoxication, or loitering in a restricted area
Forgery The action of producing a copy of a document/signature/money
Homicide The killing of another person without approval
Larceny Theft of personal property 
Pickpocketing  Theft from pockets
Possession of Drugs Drugs aren't allowed for recreational use on board
Possession of Firearms Firearms should only be possessed by guards
Protest/Resisting Arrest Any protesting or resisted arrest is prohibited
Robbery The act of taking personal property from someone using force or threats
Sexual Relationship with a Minor Sexual relationships with anyone under 18 is prohibited. Two minors having intercourse is also illegal
Shoplifting The act of stealing goods from a place of retail business pretending to be a customer

Defying the One Child policy on Advivo. Siblings are prohibited. The older sibling is usually incarcerated

Note: most families obeyed the rules aboard the ship so unless the birth of a sibling was an accident or the parents purposely defied the rules, then this shouldn't be a common law

Theft  The action of stealing
Truancy The act of being absent without permission
Vandalism  Destruction of public or personal property



  1. Kyarah


  1. Daisy
  2. Jeyne
  3. Lukas
  4. Max

Attempted Murder[]


  1. Heather
  2. Louis

Consumption of Alcohol by the underaged[]

  1. Emmeline
  2. Joel
  3. Lukas
  4. Max
  5. Micah

Defied Authority[]

  1. Emmeline
  2. Lukas
  3. Max

Defied Curfew[]

  1. Asa
  2. Emmeline
  3. Heather
  4. Lukas
  5. Max

Disorderly Conduct[]

  1. Joel
  2. Lukas
  3. Max
  4. Micah



  1. Jasmine
  2. Leia



  1. Heather

Possession of Drugs[]

  1. Lukas

Possession of Firearms[]

  1. Kyarah
  2. Max

Protest/Resisting Arrest[]

  1. Daisy
  2. Heather
  3. Jasmine
  4. Joel
  5. Kyarah
  6. Leia
  7. Lukas
  8. Max


Sexual Relationship with a Minor[]

  1. Jasmine
  2. Lukas


  1. Kyarah


  1. Asa
  2. Heather
  3. Jasmine
  4. Leia
  5. Leon
  6. Lukas
  7. Oliver


  1. Alexis
  2. Callie
  3. Kyarah
  4. Louis
  5. Lukas


  1. Kyarah
  2. Lukas
  3. Max


  1. Lukas
  2. Max